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Not For Profit / Third Sector

  • Executive / Management

  • Scotland

  • £ £68,400

The Glasgow Alliance
Glasgow based with travel required

In May 2019 Glasgow City Council issued a tender to establish an Alliance partnership to work together, with the Council, to deliver an ambitious transformational change agenda that focuses on improving outcomes for individuals and families in need of support from homelessness services.

The Alliance was formed as a new and different partnership approach to help achieve transformational change in homelessness services; provided by third sector and independent sector partners. The Glasgow Alliance to End Homelessness (GAEH), is first of its kind in the UK and brings together the health and social care partnership (HSCP), charities, housing providers and local people with personal experience of being homeless.

The Director of the Alliance holds an important, strategic, and operational responsibility for its success. The Director, a senior Operations Leader equivalent role, works on behalf of all partners in The Alliance, and will lead on implementation and achievement of the overall delivery plan. In addition, they will be visibly involved in influencing local, national, and international homelessness strategies, reflecting the ambitious goals of The Alliance: to end homelessness in Glasgow.

The right candidate will provide leadership management and demonstrate experience with partnership and team working as well as engagement with external bodies and transformational change. They will possess the ability to be supportive, respectful of others and non-judgemental. Notably they will be driven by the values and commitment to social justice and homelessness. They will be adaptable and well connected and have the skill to be able to speak to people from all walks of life in an approachable and supportive manner. The ability to reflect and scrutinise to help empower communities is also important. Fundamentally, this is a different type of leadership role which requires a passion and commitment for solving a real challenge as part of the Alliance.

For a confidential discussion please get in contact with Kate Kennedy or Debbie Shields on 0141 212 7555.

Further information is available at

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