Current opportunities

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  • Non-Executive

  • Scotland

  • £ Non-remunerated

3 year term

The Royal Society for the Support of Women of Scotland (RSSWS) is a national charity operating throughout Scotland providing financial support to single women over the age of 50 who are struggling to live on low incomes and with limited savings. The Society was founded in 1847 as the Society for the Relief of Indigent Gentlewomen of Scotland but has modernised significantly over recent years.  These changes were codified in an updated Royal Charter in 2015 which, amongst other things, changed the Society’s name to its current form. 

RSSWS is extremely fortunate to be able to undertake its work with the income the Society derives from a significant investment portfolio, now under discretionary management with investment managers.  A small management and administration staff team is based in Edinburgh and Caseworkers based around Scotland who visit and assess new applications and keep in touch with existing beneficiaries.  The Society places significant emphasis on promoting a sense of personal connection and engagement with the Society’s work amongst its beneficiaries and have overwhelmingly positive feedback from them.

RSSWS are on the search for their next Chair to head up their dynamic and inspiring board and are looking for an outstanding individual who is respectful of the Society’s past, committed to their objective of providing impactful support to women in Scotland, and who has the skills to lead RSSWS into the future.

The ideal candidate will:

  • Have a strategic approach
  • Be committed to the aims, objectives and values of the Society
  • Possess knowledge, understanding and empathy with the challenges that (a) single older women, and (b) people living in poverty, face in 21st Century Scotland
  • Be tactful, diplomatic and have good powers of persuasion.
  • Have a minimum of 5 years’ experience as a Trustee in a similar sized organisation
  • Have proven experience of chairing large decision making meetings
  • Have an understanding of the governance, legal, and financial aspects of operating a charity

This is a great opportunity suited for a strategic leader to lead the Society’s Trustees and Management Team in the development of the Society’s strategic planning and provide leadership, support and, where appropriate, challenge to the Chief Executive to ensure that the Society is run in accordance the Society’s objectives and Royal Charter, the decisions of the Trustees, and appropriate legislation.

It is a unique opening to support an inspirational Society that during its lifetime, we estimate has so far distributed over £33 million in direct payments.   Adjusting for inflation, this is equivalent to  well over £150 million in today’s money.

Further information is available at:

If you are interested in becoming the next Chair of The Royal Society of the Support of Women in Scotland and furthering the historic Society’s life-changing support for women in Scotland, get in touch with Lauryn Pringle or Debbie Shields at Aspen People on 0141 212 7555.

To apply please submit your CV and supporting statement (combined in one document) below.

Closing Date: Friday 22nd September

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